Purpose: To provide spiritual guidance and direction to the congregation in collaboration with the pastor and pastoral staff using established guidelines
Meetings: Minimum of six meetings held a year; scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month
Council Officers:
Fr. Craig Hovanec
Chairperson: Carl Snezek
Vice Chair: Bob Pastor
Secretary: Marti Stalinski
Council Members/Committee Representatives:
Education/Heritage Committee: Philip Bak
Education Committee: Dean Mason
Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Medical Team: Lenore Hales
Altar and Rosary Society: Marilyn Muskiewicz
Buildings and Grounds: Ray Kinney
Finance Chairperson: TBA
Nativity CARES: George Drop & Sr. Barb Krakora
Picnic Committee: Michael Sobilo
Worship, Welcoming Committee: Marti Stalinski
Cornerstones Committee: Marty Moore